Diving literature is a very broad term. Here we have both textbooks published by specific diving organizations, textbooks for specific diving degrees, and we have general diving books that are designed to teach diving from basic to more advanced levels. We have strictly scientific studies, very often in the field of diving physiology or marine biology, and we have books such reportage-memoirs stories of diving explorations, stories of experienced divers, to all of which are added purely sensationalist books that have elements of diving in their content. Such elements have the book “Jaws” on which the film created was a huge sensation in theaters in the 1970s and caused a slight dip in the diving market.
Organization manuals:
Such as PADI or other organizations’ manuals for specific type courses:
- Rescue
- Diemaster
Dive manuals for divers from basic to advanced levels
For example, the famous “Dive,” written by Zieleniec with co.
Beginner’s Handbook
Such as the much-talked-about “Learning to Dive on the Weekend” or “ScubaDiving and Snorkeling for Dummies.”
Research papers:
The bible of diving physiology and medicine – constantly updated – “Physiology and Medicine for Diving”.
Outline of Hyperbaric Medicine
Buhlmann’s classic “Decompression”
Popular science studies for divers and atlases
Popular on diving boats atlases of shells, fish or wrecks – “Shells” , “Wrecks”, “Fish of Polish waters”.
Reportage literature about diving expeditions and famous divers
Assault to the sea depths beginnings of Jacques Cousteau’s team
Sensation books with diving elements
The filmed cult classic “Jaws” or the dive-based sensation by the same author “The Deep.”
Here we will try to give a bibliography of diving books published in Poland and in the following texts we will describe these manuals or books in a little more detail.
Bass F. George Underwater Archaeology. Early years
MTG Publishing Limited, Warsaw – London 2008
Beebe William In the depths of the ocean. Life of the South Seas
Trzaska, Ebert and Michalski S.A, Warsaw
Beebe William 923 meters into the ocean depths
Trzaska, Ebert and Michalski S.A, Warsaw
Beebe William The land of waters.
Trzaska, Ebert and Michalski S.A, Warsaw
Beker Leszek Kaczynski Romuald, Underwater photography and photogrammetry
Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, W-wa 1985
Błasiak Paweł Chadaj Marek, Water Rescue. Vademecum
Palace of Youth in Warsaw, Warsaw 1993
Chomentowski Stanislaw, Czernek Grzegorz
Training materials – ice diving
KDP- PTTK, Gdańsk-Wrocław, 1998
Chowdhury Bernie Last dive
Emitrade Ltd, W-wa 2005
Ciolkowiak Edward Dangerous marine animals
BEL Studio Sp. z o.o., Warsaw 2005
Cole Bob Meanders of decompression
MTG Publishing Limited, London 2005
Cousteau J.Y, Dumas F. Silent world
MON Publishing House, Warsaw 1957
Cush Capie Wrecks and Undersea Treasures
Bellona Publishing House 2000
Dabrowski Marcin Diving rescue with elements of premedical first aid
BEL Studio sp. z o.o., Warsaw 2005
Dąbrowski Marcin Diving trips
Bel Studio Sp. z o.o., Warsaw 2007
Dederichs Horst, Priboschek, Wreck diving
Almapress, Warsaw 2007
Debski Antoni Na dnie i w toni
TICAL Publishers, Gdynia 2000
Doboszynski Tadeusz, Orlowski Tadeusz Basics of hyperbaric therapy
Gdynia 1977
Draminskis Alicja and Janusz Red Sea
Buffi Publishing House, Bielsko-Biala 2002
Frolov Piotr People, wrecks, treasures
National Publishing Agency, Szczecin 1989
Gorsky Bernard Moana
Iskry, Warsaw 1975
Mountain Jerzy Conquering the depths of the oceans
Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, Warsaw 1964
Gussmann Jacek Man conquers the deep
Maritime Publishing House, Gdansk 1984
Gwiaździński Tadeusz Ratownictwo wodne bez tajemnic (Water rescue without secrets)
Sport and Tourism Publishing House, Warsaw 1980
Halls Monty Krestovnikoff Miranda, Diving
Hachette Livre Polska, Warsaw 2008
Halls Monty Diving. The ultimate guide to 60 of the world’s greatest dives Bellona Publishing House, Warsaw 2006
Hass Lotte The girl at the bottom of the sea
Nasza Księgarnia, Warsaw 1976
Hass Hans Three hunters at the bottom of the sea
MON Publishing House, Warsaw 1958
Spanish Jan Self-contained air diving apparatuses
Maritime Publishing House, Gdynia 1966
Jackson Jack The world’s most beautiful dive sites
Twój Styl Book Publishing, Warsaw 1999
Kasinski Andrzej Diving. Guide
Pascal, Bielsko Biala 2006
Kmiciewicz Wojciech
Egypt, Red Sea, a guide to the most interesting dive sites A.S.S., Poznan 2000
Spike Richard Diving apparatuses with regeneration of the breathing medium
Naval Academy, Poznań 2000
Kohler Annemarie & Danja Underwater photography. Guide
Galaxy sp. z o.o., Łódź 1998
Kot Jacek, Żabierek Tomasz Nitrox. Diver’s Guide.
Publishing Company. Elżbieta Poleszak, Gdynia 2006
Komorowski Antoni Development of diving technology
Adam Marszałek Publishing House, Toruń 2005
Krzyzak Jaroslaw Medicine for divers
“KOOPGraf” S.c., Poznań 1998.
Krzyzak Jaroslaw Diving medicine
“KOOPGraf” S.c., Poznań 2006.
Kurson Robert In pursuit of the shadow
Świat Książki, W-wa 2006
Lewicka-Pawlak Anna Diving
Knowledge and Life 2007 (Series: Sports for Everyone)
Lohlein Herbert Pirates, pearls, divers
Silesia Publishing House, Katowice 1961
Łokucijewski B. Review of modern methods of recompression in the treatment of decompression accidents
Warsaw 1974
Diver’s Handbook Diving
collective work edited by:
Macke Jerzy, Kuszewski Krzysztof, Zieleniec Grzegorz
Almapress, Warsaw 2007 (7th edition) Warsaw 1971.
Maniguet Xavier Sharks. Myths and facts
Oficyna Wydawnicza De Facto, Poznań 1999
Mayol Jacques Homo Delphinus. Dolphin Man
Big Blue sp. z o.o. in Warsaw, Warsaw 2009
Mesturini Giorgio, Bicciato Massimo Hurghada, Red Sea. Underwater guide G+J RBA Publishing House, Warsaw 2002
Mountain Alan Diving. Guide
Galaxy Sp. z o.o., Łódź 1997
Mojetta Angelo Mediterranean Sea. Underwater Guide.
G+J RBA Publishing House, Warsaw 2002
Materials from the 2nd International Scientific Conference
Nitrox – a new breathing agent. Current problems of hyperbaric medicine and diving technique
Department of Maritime Medicine WAM, Department of Diving Equipment and Technology of Underwater Work AMW, Gdynia 1995
collective work edited by A. Boruta Free diving
“Universitas” Warsaw 1981
Oborski Piotr Secrets of the undersea world
National Publishing Agency, Warsaw 1976
Odewald Lutz, Thomson Hedda, Kuisys Klaus History of diving
Almapress, Warsaw 2003
Orlewicz-Musiał Małgorzata Polish free diving. History, organization, values
Section of Free Diving of the Krakow Branch of the Polish Society of Friends of the Earth Sciences, Krakow 2003
Olszanski Romuald Evaluation of the risk of decompression sickness in divers
Military Medical Institute, Warsaw 2006
Olszanski Romuald, Siermontowski Piotr ABC of diver’s health
Printing Works Druk-Ar s.c
Orzepowski Stanislaw Underwater photography
Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, W-wa 1973
Paccalet Yves, Jacques Yves Cousteau In the ocean of life
Znak Publishing House, Krakow 1999
Perdubinski Michal Compressors. Specialized mechanical engineering
Arkady, Warsaw 1977
Petriconi Victor, Wiegand Falk Underwater world of plants and animals
Almapress, Warsaw 2002
Handbook of a scuba diver Mar.Woj 313/64, MON, Gdynia 1965
collective work edited by Tadeusz Doboszynski and Tadeusz Orlowski Fundamentals of Hyperbaric Therapy 1977
Polzer Wolfgang Croatia. Guide for divers
Almapress, Warsaw 2002
Collective work Underwater work
Maritime Publishing House, Gdansk 1971
Prey Jochen, Kromp Thomas, Schneider Frank Dry suit diving
RM Publishing House, Warsaw 2008
A collective work edited by R.Olszanski, R.Kłos and S.Skrzynski
Problems of diving medicine and technology
Shipbuilding and Shipping, Gdansk 1997
Przylipiak Medard, Witkowski Wiesław
Diving with self-contained breathing apparatuses and rescuing drowning people
MON, Warsaw 1977
Przylipiak Medard, Torbus Janusz Diving equipment and work.
Publishing House of the Ministry of National Defense Warsaw 1981
Rahimi Monika Stress-free diving. Tips, breathing technique, exercises
Almapres, Warsaw 2006
Rutters Hans Josef, Waldhausere Orientation underwater
Alma-press, Warsaw 2003
Skrok Zdzislaw Underwater Archaeology
Artistic and Film Publishers, Warsaw 1991
McManners Hugh Water sports. A young waterman’s guide
Arkady Publishing House, Warsaw 1998
Strugarski Tomasz Diving accidents. Analysis of bitter experiences
BEL Studio Sp. z o.o., Warsaw 2005
Strugarski Tomasz Nitrox and an introduction to other mixtures. Diver’s Handbook
BEL Studio Sp. z o.o., Warsaw 2006
Tailliez Phelippe Assault to the sea depths. Free diving 1943-1966
Maritime Publishing House, Gdansk 1971
Vallintine Reg Diving lessons over the weekend
Wiedza i Życie, Warsaw 1994
Weidner Mario On the trail of sunken treasures
Alma-press, Warsaw 2003
Wiegand Falk Baltic Islands. Guide for divers
Almapress, Warsaw 2008
collective work edited by. Aleksander Sieroń and Grzegorz Cieślar with editorial assistance from Marek Kawecki
Outline of hyperbaric medicine
Medica Press, Bielsko-Biala 2006
collective work edited by. A.Dolatkowskiegio and K.Ulewicz
Outline of diving pathophysiology
PZWL, Warsaw 1973
Żerdzińska Ewa Podwodna Polska
Almapress, Warsaw 2004
Poreba Paul Technical diving
BEL Studio Sp. z o.o, Warsaw 2010