Welcome to the first nationwide mermaiding competition at Deepspot!
This is an event full of magic and water adventures that no diving enthusiast should miss!
🌊 Classifications:
Competitors compete in one competition: individual.
Individual competitions are considered in two categories: junior (12-18 years) and adult (18 plus).
🏅 Individual Competitions:
– Dive to a set depth (max. 2m) to collect underwater objects.
– Overcoming an underwater obstacle course.
– Flow 20 meters underwater.
– Presentation of any layout, at a maximum depth of 5 meters.
The layout is to take into account the correct descent underwater and the performance of a minimum of 3 mandatory figures. Here are some of them! 🤩
Swimming underwater on your back:
Vertical rotation around its axis:
Angelic ascent:
Bubble Kiss:
Bubble Heart:
Buoyant ascent ahead:
Buoyant ascent aside:
📅 Sc hedule:
12:00 Briefing for competitors
13:00-15:00 Start of competitors
15:30 Closing and presentation of awards
Enrollment is open until May 31.
🏆 Awards (for junior and adult categories):
1st place – costume tail from Mermaid Protector
2nd place – monoplane backpacks from SSI
3rd place – C4 mask from Apnea Shop
Special award from the Jury for best choreography – a tail from Mermaid Protector
Audience award for the best swimming Siren – SSI monoplane
Sign up now and get ready for an unforgettable underwater adventure! 🌟
And after the competition, we invite you to the SYREN RALLY! 😍
Details: https://www.deepspot.com/pl/event/zlot-syren-w-deepspot-09-06-2024