DAN Europe

You want to go deeper. Or maybe stay underwater longer... Or get certified... Or dive for sunken treasure. Every dive is different. However, one thing doesn't change - you need to know your limitations to safely return to the surface. And the GARMIN dive computer will help you return safely

Deepspot has been a partner of Divers Alert Network (DAN) Europe since 2021.
Deepspot - DAN Partner No. 1069450 - cooperates with DAN Europe on 3 levels:

Participation and Level 2 certification in the DAN HIRA program - identification and minimization of diving operation hazards

Possession of DAN Dive Center Plus insurance, which covers both the operations of the Dive Center and all employed Deepspot instructors

DAN Europe insurance promotion for traveling divers

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More about the partnership with Dan Europe


DAN’s HIRA (Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment) program helps owners, managers, dive center employees and dive professionals identify risks before personal injury or property damage occurs.

The main benefit of the HIRA program developed by DAN is to reduce the likelihood of an accident and minimize its impact and effects on the diver’s subsequent life.

The program focuses on realistic and pragmatic assessment of risks that could lead to serious consequences and provides tools and strategies to proactively minimize the consequences of accidents.

A manager or diving professional must have the basic training and equipment to assist a casualty and plan actions and handle an emergency situation. Deepspot received this certification in May 2023.

It requires further training, as well as the implementation and practice of a wider range of operational procedures and emergency action plans. Deepspot received this certification in February 2024.

It provides a comprehensive and detailed risk assessment. At this level, virtually every element of the company’s and dive center’s operations is checked, and additional rescue plans are required based on the range of activities. Deepspot is in the process of implementing the procedures required at this level and is awaiting an audit by DAN Europe representatives in 2024.

Deepspot Insurance

Deepspot as a dive center has DAN Dive Center Plus insurance which protects against third-party liability and includes defense in court for diving services provided. It covers both the activities of the Dive Center and all Deepspot instructors employed.

Insure yourself in Dan

DAN offers the insurance you need abroad as a diver and traveler. DAN SPORT is the most popular dive accident insurance plans for recreational divers, freedivers, instructors and technical divers.

About DAN Europe Insurance

DAN SPORT dive accident insurance for recreational divers, freedivers, instructors and technical divers . The protection you need as a diver and traveler.

Why you should have dive insurance during your dive trip:

  • Managing a diving accident requires specialized knowledge and skills in both medical and insurance matters.
  • Whether you dive local sites or prefer to travel abroad, make sure you have adequate coverage from a reliable insurer.
  • In some EU countries, the only insurance option available is the Sport Member plan, which is the equivalent of the Sport Silver plan.

What does the insurance cover?

All Sport plans are designed to provide you with insurance coverage in case of an emergency while diving recreationally or working as a diving professional (with aqualung or freediving) anywhere in the world.

Benefits include:

  • Emergency center and emergency management 24/7
  • Emergency medical care, including hospitalization and hyperbaric therapy worldwide
  • Emergency medical evacuation, including flight by air ambulance
  • Insurance against death or permanent disability
  • Coverage for medical expenses in case of a non-diving accident or unexpected illness abroad
  • DAN annual membership

The above list is incomplete and includes only some of the many benefits available.

Exclusions and other conditions may also apply, and coverage may not be available in all countries.

Who are the SPORT plans designed for?

  • Equipment divers – you like to dive with friends or family in your country and abroad. Explore new places while maintaining peace of mind with the right insurance.
  • Freedivers – static or dynamic apnea, fixed or variable ballast diving – these plans are designed to provide you with insurance coverage during any form of breath-hold diving, including competitions.
  • Dive professionals – are you a dive instructor, divemaster or dive guide? Ensure that you are protected in case of an unforeseen illness or accident while diving. Sport plans do not include liability insurance. If you need one, check out our Pro Plans.
  • Technical divers – The Sport Silver or Sport Gold plans are an excellent choice for you, as there are no restrictions on depth or the use of breathing gas mixtures and rebreathers.

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